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Monday, May 24, 2010

Life is Good Again

I finally did it.

I opened my wallet, logged on to, arranged my flight, and clicked the beautiful blue 'CONFIRM' button that would restore my happiness in an instant. I am going to Puerto Rico!

The separation between travel and I has been bleak. There were many long nights spent lying awake dreaming of travel, dreaming of what I would do when we saw each other again. I imagined myself in the airport and what I'd be wearing when we met. I thought about travel every day. There were moments of watching others in the 'honeymoon' phase of their pre-trip planning, booking backpacking trips around South America, and having fun in the sun in St. Lucia–they all looked so happy.

What about me?! I should be traveling too!

Travel was definitely in the air and I needed to have some of it.

Even the billboards on the side of the road were starting to speak to me. One read: Summer is Coming, Where Are You Going? That's right! Where am I going? Another billboard for Contiki Tours read: Come Travel With Us. Yes Contiki, maybe I will come travel with you. Even the universe wanted to see travel and I reunited. It was time to book a trip.

Seven months of separation was enough.

So travel, here I come. I am ready, I have a new bathing suit, my itinerary is nicely outlined on my shiny new iPhone app, and the Dopplr locator on my blog finally says something other than: Tara is at home in Los Angeles. I am alive!

21 days, 4 hours, and 30 minutes to go...Puerto Rico, I can't wait to see you.

Life is good again.
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