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Thursday, February 4, 2010

I Will Travel Again...

Stage 3: Affirmations. I will travel again. I will travel again. I will travel again. Now that the void left in my life from lack of traveling has reached a whole new level of huge, I have resorted to positive affirmations. Another stage in this disease and I am trying to cope. Maybe it will help, you know, self-fulfilling prophecy, "The Secret"...whatever. If I imagine myself with my toes in the sand somewhere far away, I will get there. At least I have recently managed to gain some perspective. I had the horror of learning that a colleague (a pre-travel-bug-employment-sabotage colleague of course) had not set foot on a plane in 14 YEARS! Well, you can imagine the scene. Me trying desperately to collect my jaw from the restaurant's tiled floor in a hurried attempt to come back to reality and not overly offend the culprit. No he didn't. His body must have developed some type of antidote to the travel bug. There is no other explanation. Okay, I should be fair. He doesn't have to travel. He doesn't have to like traveling. Evidently, although clearly unfathomable to me, there are many more people like him in this world, and there is nothing wrong with that. It's okay. I am just different. It's okay to have the bug. It's okay to have the bug. It's...Sigh. I will never recover. Now, if only I could find people the same kind of different as me. Moral: I should be able to survive four months no travel if there are people running around unscathed after fourteen years without it! I will travel again...


Tim said...

Haha, for years I tried to scour the yellow-pages for an exterminator that could take care of my travelbug, until I realized that this is my thing, my passion, it's what I do. It gives me purpose in life and makes me happy, what else can we ask for? Just stumbled on your blog through matador, keep it up! It's been a month and a half since I've been off the road and going stir-crazy already, where to next??? You can follow me @ to share some same viewpoints!

Verity said...

It is strange, but it seems some people don't have the travelbug. I know... I can't understand it. But some people are actually content to live their lives as they are in their hometowns, with every day the same. They don't get bored. I have even had someone say to me that he doesn't see what travel would add to his life (what?!!!!... what?!. He had only been on one trip overseas to visit friends. I don't understand!!!!

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