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Monday, August 16, 2010

8 Things to Love About Toronto

From the Exhibit "Late News" by
Dan Perjovschi at the R.O.M.
Toronto, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

1. Cultural Diversity. Toronto has it all. You can "travel" across continents without ever leaving the city! There are so many areas and neighborhoods where you can find people, culture, and delicious food from all over the world. There is something for everyone here. This portion of Dan Perjovschi's "Late News" Exhibit captures it best; there are so many elements that make up greater Toronto, and to me, that's the beauty of the cityPlus, I really love to eat. 

2. Ample Places to Meet People. You can meet people everywhere here, and for young singles this is of vital importance! There are people to be met on public transportation, while walking around the city, on the streets after clubs and pubs close when everyone is out at the same time, and even en route to emergencies (more on this later). Not being holed up in your car and actually being out in the world can make a big difference. In Los Angeles, people drive everywhere. No one thing is that close to another, making for very little outside-of-your-car time. Unless of course you are trying out the latest diet, then you might go sans vehicle to do some walking on your lunch break, or take your tiny dog out in the morning. But there aren't many people to meet doing either of those two things.

3. The TTC. Oh, the Toronto Transit Commission. They can get you around the city quite easily with the convenient combination of subway, bus, street car, and rail car. And they have gone to the trouble of having each mode in collaboration so that you only pay one fare to get to/from your destination whether you use one, or all four different modes. So thoughtful.

View from Panorama
4. Panorama Bar/Restaurant/Lounge. A supreme view from the 51st floor, a full bar, tasty edibles, and the occasional proposal (yes, I actually did see one–the romance in the air is thick all the way up here!) What more do you need?

5. Cute Firefighter Boy. As two fire trucks sped down Bloor Street, sirens blaring, I waited at the crosswalk for them to pass. A third fire truck slowed to a safe crawl, and the driver (also known as cute firefighter boy) glanced in my direction, looked back at the road, then turned back to smile and wave. En route to a potential emergency! I felt like a giddy teenage girl at a concert. Sure, I will never see him again, and sure most visitors to Toronto are not likely to encounter him either, but he represents the dating potential in this city, and reinforces Reason #2 that there are ample places to meet people!

6. Caribana. As the largest Caribbean festival in North America, people travel into Toronto from all over the world to be a part of this humongous party cultural celebration. Being of Caribbean heritage myself, it is nice to catch a glimpse of home even when you are far away from it. But let's be clear, even if you are not Caribbean, don't know anyone who is Caribbean, and/or have never even visited the Caribbean, you can't beat the fun to be had at this festival. You just have to be ready for it...

7. Proximity to NYC. New York City is near and dear to my heart, so being just an hour and a half's flight away from everything that I love is a beautiful thing. It is convenient to be so close to New York. Besides, who knows when you'll have to see a Broadway show or update your fall wardrobe?

8. Ronaldo Billboard. Okay, so maybe this isn't a legitimate reason to love Toronto, but we don't have this at home and it's kind of a pretty picture. Plus, it's 8 things I love about Toronto, so it makes the list.

There's a little bit of everything in Toronto, and any place that fosters eating, entertainment, and culture is just about perfect for me. Now, if only it were warm all year round...


Eurotrip Tips said...

Well you need to move to Canada now. :)
I can't wait for your visit in Montreal!

I totally with the 5th reason by the way. Although I'm not exactly sure why it has not made top 1.

Tara Donaldson said...

Ha ha! I think I may be in Montreal next month! Working on details of a loooong road trip :) I think I will love it! Keep you posted. And yes, he could have very well made #1!

Amy said...

I went to a wedding at Panorama! It was amazing (he actually proposed to her there too, so I wonder if it was the same!)
Toronto is a great city, but I don't think I could ever live there - it's soooo intense!

Tara Donaldson said...

Thanks for the comment! Wow, can't believe they had a wedding there!

wendypgreene said...

I live in Toronto and I love this blog post!

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