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Friday, January 22, 2010

Dream or Nightmare?

Now I'm dreaming about traveling?! Wow. My body is so acutely aware of the lack of traveling it has experienced of late, that if I am not traveling in my waking life, it is content to travel in various stages of REM. The dream involved booking a trip to Dubai, preparing, packing, and getting ready, only to decide that I couldn't manage the trip due to a lack of funds. WHAT?? Did I not have my credit card? Isn't this supposed to be a dream? A place where all my greatest wants and wishes are manifested? Wow. I can't even get on a plane in a dream! That must have been a nightmare. Anyhow, turn the TV on. Travel Channel...of course. Can't I be content to live vicariously through Anthony Bourdain as he eats freshly caught fish doused in coconut on a Gaugin painting-esque atoll somewhere in French Polynesia before swimming with black-tipped sharks? No! I want to live vicariously through myself! (The Dos Equis guy definitely had the right idea...) I want to eat fresh fish on a remote island and swim with sharks too! On second thought...he can keep the swimming with sharks part...but I want the rest! Tantrums. Must be another stage in this disease. Sigh. Maybe Andrew Zimmern can raise my spirits...but somehow I doubt that. That was definitely a nightmare.


Tim said...

haha doesnt Zimmerman make you embarrassed when you watch him? I can't stand that the guy is our American ambassador to some of those places, but hey maybe you should talk to him; he's eaten plenty of travelbugs in the past few years...haha

Verity said...

I never actually get to travel in my dreams either. I always dream that I am packing and really late for the airport and probably going to miss my flight :(. Where's the fun in that?

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