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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Me & Australia

I think I have found the one. That's right, I am in love, and her name is Australia. She is beautiful, unique, and perfect for me in every way...she gets me. She lets me enjoy the city, the beach, culture, shopping, and art all at once. What more could a girl ask for? I know what you're thinking, she's there and I'm here, but we are making the long distance thing work. Sometimes she sends me gifts from Sportsgirl, my favorite store in the world (Australia, you really know the way to my heart). When I really miss her, I go back into my photo album and look at her and I having fun, and reminisce. Sigh. Oh the beautiful mornings when I would walk down to The Rocks and enjoy a delicious Belgain waffle and hot chocolate for brekkie, and watch the firefighters come down from their post to grab a bite. Hey, I'm allowed to look...The days spent eating Chish and Fips at Coogee beach. The hours and hours of shopping she allowed me at every juncture, she even put shops at the train station, so I can buy while I travel. You see how she's always thinking of me? We even try new things together, she introduced me to my very first kanga-jerky. Sure there may be others that have loved her, but she and I have something special, something real. Australia, you had me at g'day...


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