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Thursday, January 14, 2010

This is a Disease...

So you have to know you've got a problem when the ever repetitive (and usually annoying) sound of the security announcement at the airport conjures up an overwhelming need to travel somewhere, ANYWHERE. "This is a security announcement..." Sigh. Why am I here again? Oh right, picking someone up. What if I just get on a plane? Terminal 4? Quantas. Australia? Perfect. I'm ready to go, I'm not working so it's not like I need to ask for the time off...I can go. Crap. Forgot to bring my passport! I should start carrying that thing on me like a driver's license to avoid situations like this. Nevermind the small fact that I have no personal effects with me to speak of, but that would have been easily remedied with a few trips to the oh-so-fantastic Sportsgirl store. Yes, I could have gone straight from the Sydney airport to Sportsgirl. Actually, knowing the abundant availability of shopping in that city, I may have even found some trendy shops right in the airport! Aaahh, it would have been great. Sigh. I guess I will just collect my passenger and head home. Can I go somewhere? Anywhere? I need to have my travel fix, it has been three whole months since I last set foot on a plane! This is a disease...


Verity said...

I share your pain! I can't even watch TV without getting the desperate urge to travel to whatever destination pops up in the ad break. I am green with jealousy when I listen to friends recent travels (although I still want to talk about travelling all day :)

You are right... it is a disease... but I don't want to be cured!

grace said...

Love your early posts - too funny, especially the bit about sports girl. I live in Sydney and it is the no 1. go-to store (Especially since we dont have H&m or zara!) great posts keep them up!

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